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Full Name

Aaron Kinnari


New York

Aaron Kinnari's Work

40 Posts
Aaron Kinnari
Growing cotton sustainably in a lab

How one start-up is cutting the climate impact of cotton production.

Hiring for the Green Economy

Green jobs grew twice as fast as the broader U.S. economy.

Restoring Coral Reefs as the Ocean Gets Warmer

The race to protect coral reefs around the world.

Embracing a Clean Energy Marshall Plan

How the U.S. can stimulate the green transition.

Shifting winds in power generation

Wind turbines generate more power than coal in the United States.

Expanding renewable energy capacity in developing countries

New report outlines the need for renewable energy investments in 72 energy-poor nations.

Channeling resources into climate adaptation

How governments and companies are grappling with severe weather.

Mitigating methane

Technologies to track and tackle potent methane emissions.

Scaling seaweed-based alternatives to plastics

How three companies are embracing seaweed as a sustainable alternative to plastics.

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