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Weekly Briefs

Powering big data with small modular reactors

Tech companies are investing in small modular nuclear reactors to fuel their data centers.

Capturing carbon from cement production

A cement plant in Norway experiments with the first large-scale commercial carbon capture system.

Unlocking investment for tropical forests

Brazil proposes a new $125 billion fund to pay developing countries to protect tropical forests.

Improving storm forecasts with drones

Scientists and engineers deploy drones into Hurricane Helene to improve storm models.

Decarbonizing the dairy industry

Dairy companies and startups embrace innovations to cut emissions.

Growing cotton sustainably in a lab

How one start-up is cutting the climate impact of cotton production.

Embracing a Clean Energy Marshall Plan

How the U.S. can stimulate the green transition.

Shifting winds in power generation

Wind turbines generate more power than coal in the United States.

Expanding renewable energy capacity in developing countries

New report outlines the need for renewable energy investments in 72 energy-poor nations.

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